Tuesday, July 6, 2010

So it's rainy today

and what better way is there to pass a rainy day than to stay inside and do nothing. Nah but actually this time, some friends and I are having a LAN party.

If you don't know what that is, it's pretty much just a bunch of gaming nerds getting together in some guy's house, using his internet and power-ports, to simulate an internet cafe; except it's exclusive (ooooh I said it). Strangely I don't find anything loser-ish about it since most guys my age play MMORPGs/RTS/FPS computer games given that they're Asian. So yes I am looking forward to it for hopefully I will be so drugged by pixels and adrenaline that I will forget about the lack of effort from my significant other in our relationship.

Here's a comic I found amusing from xkcd:

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